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Technology has been a part of my life from a young age, playing video games with friends to using family computers; I’ve essentially been using technology since I learned how to operate it. Technology is a big part of my life today as well, and I am an avid consumer of digital media in all of its forms. Technology used to just be entertainment, but these days I use it for a multitude of things, such as gaming, education, and communication. I’ve learned the basics of computers and recently, within the last 3 years, I have built 2 custom computers for myself. Animation is something I’ve recently become interested in, with a rise in flash based animations on video hosting websites like YouTube, animation is becoming more prevalent in our lives than ever. While I’m no expert artist, I do enjoy animation and learning about it really excites me. Last year I took animation 1 and created things I didn’t know that I could, granted that they still aren’t anywhere close to perfect, it’s incredible what’s possible with programs like after effects or flash. In the future I think technology will become even more dominant in our daily lives, and knowledge about technology will be essential to succeed in the future. I don’t have any plans to curb my learning on things related to technology and animation, as it’s something that I really enjoy and is useful to our world.

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